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Car Crash ~ T. Gephart Page 14

  No point going to bed when I knew there wasn’t going to be a lot of sleeping going on when I felt so wired. And if I was going to be alone, then being productive sounded like a good thing to do.

  And with Kitty still on my mind, I started sketching. I’d promised her a tattoo and it wasn’t something I was going to pick off a picture on a wall. Nope, she would get a Dallas original, something only for her.

  And it had to be perfect.

  My head lifted off my pillow and I felt weird.

  Might have been because I hadn’t actually been sleeping on a pillow, the stack of magazines my head had been resting on sticking to my face as I opened my eyes.

  Man, I felt rough. Like I’d been drinking all night but hadn’t had more than a couple of beers. I didn’t even remember falling asleep, my pencils and sketchbook still scattered around me right where I’d left them.

  I’d been trying to design a tattoo.

  Not just any design either, it was for Kitty and nothing I drew seemed to be good enough.

  I yawned, stretching my arms out hoping it would make the crick in my neck feel better. It didn’t, which was just the occupational hazard of sleeping on the couch. I’d been there before; it was just the first time I’d been there and been sober.

  I pulled off the T-shirt I’d been sleeping in, grabbing my phone to check the time. My stomach was grumbling which meant it was probably lunchtime. It was when I usually woke up when given the choice, especially when I knew I had the day off.




  My eyes tried to focus on the numbers on the screen, a quick blink and reopen confirming I wasn’t seeing things.

  It was seven a.m., and this time I didn’t have the smell of breakfast to blame.

  There was no reason for me to be awake, I had no plans and no woman in my bed I was trying to escape from. I was literally awake with nowhere to go and nowhere to be. And what was worse is that I didn’t think I could go back to sleep if I’d tried.

  The way I’d left Kitty last night didn’t sit right with me. I got that we’d been dancing a line, getting pretty close to spending more time with our clothes off than on. But I hadn’t seen that as an issue. She did though, and that made all the difference. And if she wanted to keep our status completely clothes on, then I’d fucking do it. Wouldn’t say I was ecstatic about it, but I’d do it.

  What I wouldn’t do, is be a prick because she’d turned me down. And avoiding her wasn’t an option either.

  I couldn’t remember whose idea it was that we not spend time together during the days I had off, but whoever thought it up was dumb. There was no fucking reason why, especially when we had some pretty amazing days up until that point.

  It was my time off and I’d spend it how I wanted to, which was why I didn’t hesitate, threw myself into the shower and got dressed.

  I may not have had a place to go when I woke up, but I suddenly had a new game plan.

  Redressed and looking half decent, I left the mess of sketches and pencils on my living room floor and left my apartment. Keys were in my ignition before I’d even bothered to think, starting my car and driving back to Kitty’s.

  It was a blessing and curse that we lived so close, the time getting there minimal but also not long enough to think up what I was going to say.

  Was I really just going to land on her doorstep and knock with no invitation?

  Yes, yes I was.

  So with that little seed of doubt put to bed, I climbed up the stairs to her apartment. The knock on her door came right after.

  It took a bit, needing to knock a couple of times before I heard some movement, her voice sounding husky as it came through the wood.

  “Dallas? What are you doing here?”

  I waved to the peephole she was probably looking through, waiting for her to open the door. “I woke up early.”

  It might have been a lame excuse, but she didn’t question it, pulling open the door to reveal her sleep shirt I was so fond of.

  “Did you want some breakfast then?” She yawned as she watched me walk inside, not questioning why I was awake or why I was on her doorstep. “I can make us a frittata.”

  “What the hell is that?” I wasn’t sure if it was the words she was saying or that her ass looked amazing in the long T-shirt that had me so confused. But either way, I had no idea what she was talking about.

  She turned, shooting me a grin. “Sort of like an omelet.”

  “So why not say an omelet.” I shrugged; happy to eat anything she was willing to give me.

  “Because you know what an omelet looks like and I don’t want your expectations too high.”

  “Well then, let me assure you.” I stepped closer, dying to touch her but I didn’t. “I have no expectations.”

  With a promise that I didn’t care what she put on a plate or what she called it, I followed her into her kitchen. She got out a bowl and some eggs, cracking them before adding some other stuff.

  “I’ll make toast and coffee.” I decided to put myself to good use and joined her in the tiny space between the kitchen island and her stove.

  As much as I would have liked to use the opportunity to brush up against her accidently I didn’t, not willing to risk her throwing me out on my ass because I couldn’t be trusted.

  My hands might have held her waist a couple of times when we were passing each other, but I kept it as PG as I could. And between the two of us we had something that resembled breakfast. I wasn’t going to say it looked good, because if I hadn’t seen it being cooked in front of me I would assume someone had already eaten it. But it tasted decent, and more importantly, the company was awesome.

  Since I was already dressed, I offered to do the dishes while she took a shower and got ready. She probably assumed I was going to use her being naked and wet as an opportunity, giving me a warning look. But I crossed-my-heart-and-hoped-to-die promised her that I would stay in the kitchen, reminding her we had an agreement.

  I was a lot of things, but a lying pervert wasn’t one of them.

  She walked back into the kitchen looking too freaking fine for words, the dress she was wearing shaped like a long T-shirt that came to her mid-thigh. But unlike the old faded oversized one she slept in, the one she had on fit her very well. The material clinging to her body hinted at the treasures underneath, and calling her beautiful would have been a gross understatement.

  She lifted her arms, letting them drop at her sides dramatically. “Now what?”

  “I haven’t really thought that far ahead, do you always need a plan?” I cocked a grin as I watched her shrug.

  “No, not always. But it helps if we’re going to do anything other than sit in my apartment.”

  I pulled out my keys, dangling them between my fingers. “Well then let’s get out of here and find out.”



  First, we drove to the park near my apartment, laying around on the grass and baking in the sunshine. Then we ate giant slices of pizza while we looked across the river at Manhattan. We didn’t go anywhere in particular, ditching the car at Socrates Sculpture Park as we walked around. I wasn’t even sure we were looking at the art to be honest, laughing so hard and talking so much we didn’t even realize the day had totally evaporated.

  Of course that meant Dallas was hungry again, the guy constantly needed to eat or risk getting moody. Which is how we ended up at his place, on his couch as we ordered in.

  “Wouldn’t it have made more sense going to my place?” I opened what seemed to be a ridiculous amount of Chinese food. “I don’t have a car to drive myself home.”

  He didn’t even bother dishing it onto a plate, attacking the Mongolian beef right from the box. “So stay. I stayed at your place before, you can stay at mine.”

  As much as it sounded logical, having already kicked off my shoes and made myself comfortable, it probably wasn’t wise.

, I’m going to stay and nothing is going to happen?” I casually fixed myself a plate of fried rice and sweet and sour chicken.

  He rolled his eyes. “Has anything happened so far? Come on, there’s a horror marathon on, and I get jumpy when I’m by myself.”

  I laughed, finding it hard to believe that Dallas was the kind of guy that scared so easily. “They look so fake, and even if they are real, it’s just a movie. When the credits roll, that’s it.”

  “Dude!” He dropped his fork, looking almost offended. “The Blair Witch Project. Josh and I went to the midnight screening thinking it was some kind of fucking documentary and I couldn’t sleep for a week. You think it’s all bullshit, but let me tell you. I got lost in the woods for three hours when I was ten and that shit stays with you. Every time I closed my eyes I saw that chick with the flashlight against her face screaming. I had to sleep with the light on.”

  I didn’t mean to laugh, but he was so serious it was adorable. That someone who looked like him—muscles, tattoos, multiple piercings—would be afraid of the dark.

  “I’ll stay and hold your hand,” I promised. “But I have to work tomorrow morning, so I’ll need to get up early so I can get back to my place and change. I promise I’ll be quiet and not wake you though.”

  He shook his head. “You’re not sneaking out of my apartment like a criminal, Kitty. I’ll get up and drive you home.”

  “But that’s silly, why would you get up—”

  He raised his hand, stopping me midsentence. “Since when have I ever done anything unless I wanted to? It’s not like I have anything better to do on a Monday. Besides, think of it as payback for staying with me for the horror fest.”

  Arguing wouldn’t have done me any good, especially since his logic didn’t necessarily sound unreasonable. I didn’t live far, and if he did drive me home, I’d make him breakfast. I could only improve, right?

  So, with the rest of our evening mapped out, he turned on the television and started the first scary movie while we ate dinner. I wondered if the horror fest had taken a graduated approach, the first one being so bad it was laughable. Which we did, repeatedly, laughed as we yelled at the dumbasses running into an empty room only to meet their death.

  Dallas gave me one of his T-shirts to wear as pajamas and after falling asleep on the couch during the third movie he carried me to his bed.

  His face lingered close and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me but he retreated with my lips remaining untouched by his.

  I wouldn’t have stopped him.

  But I wasn’t going to start it either.

  And then, without a pillow wall or even a discussion, we were able to fall asleep side-by-side without it ending in sex. We may have gravitated toward each other through the night—our bodies intertwined when we woke up—but it was a touch of comfort rather than one of seduction.

  As promised, Dallas got up, showered, dressed and drove me home. Then I fed him, which he didn’t expect, earning me all kinds of smiles and a string of compliments.

  “Just put the dishes in the sink and I’ll get them when I get home.” I checked the time, knowing I needed to get in the shower and get to work.

  He waved me off, disregarding my directive and turning on the faucet. “Just go get ready, and then I’ll drive you to work.”

  “Dallas, I work in the city.”

  “Babe, I might not always take notice of the details, but I know where you work.”

  As much as I appreciated the sentiment, driving me to work wasn’t happening. “It’s faster if I take the subway, the traffic will be crazy at this time.”

  “I’ll drive fast.”

  “No.” I waved my finger at him making it clear I wasn’t budging. “If you want to be helpful, you can do the dishes but that’s all.”

  He pouted like a little boy who’d been told he couldn’t have any ice cream, folding his beautiful strong arms across his chest as he showed me exactly how displeased he was. “Fine, but I’m going to take you to the station.”

  I let him have the battle, because I knew I won the war.

  And when I said goodbye to him before I got on my train, I couldn’t help but smile. “I’m getting one of those food boxes delivered today, want to come over tonight and help me screw it up?”

  “Only if I don’t have to read the directions, my strengths are definitely with my hands.” He waved his fingers in case I’d forgotten.

  Quick tip: I didn’t need the reminder.

  “Who reads the directions?” I scoffed. “Those are for the weak, not warriors like us.” I flexed my barely-there muscles, not sure I was convincing anyone.

  “Done. Maybe I’ll get to those questions I’ve been meaning to ask.”


  I had completely forgotten about those, his list of conversation starters that were guaranteed to get us better acquainted. “Sure, whatever you want. I’ll text when I’m on my way home.”

  I waved and headed for the train while he waited in his car and watched me go. There was a warmth that filled my body, and I really liked having it there.

  Clearly we rocked this friendship thing, because I had just spent possibly the greatest weekend of my life.

  And I couldn’t wait for it to continue.

  “Are you sure that’s chicken?” Dallas looked at the baking dish as he pulled it out of the oven. “Is it supposed to be that color?”

  It was burnt beyond recognition, neither of us remembering to set the timer and getting distracted by a fierce discussion over which superpower would be most beneficial. I argued for flight, while he tried to convince me that invisibility was boss.

  “I’d say it’s a little overdone.” A waft of burnt filled my nose. “Yep, trash it. Looks like we’re doing takeaway.”

  I wasn’t sure if it was either of our intention, but we’d settled into a routine all week. Dallas would meet me at my place when he got done from work, and then we try and cook something edible without following the instructions.

  We’d had some success, but other times we ended up getting our salvation at the hands of UberEats. Other times, we ate cereal and vegged out in front of the television.

  The nights were spent together too—staying at my place or his—crawling into bed and sleeping together.

  Just sleeping.

  There might have been a little cuddling, but it never got anywhere close to inappropriate. He hadn’t tried to touch my boobs in so long I was beginning to think he forgot I had them, the two of us acting more like best friends than anything else.

  He dumped our failed effort into the trash, trying to clear the kitchen of the smoke that had accompanied our dinner. While I ordered pizza, doing my part for the team.

  “Josh and Eve set a wedding date yet?” I asked, tossing the phone back on the coffee table.

  “I think it’s more Eve than Josh who is driving that train,” he laughed. “Not that he seems to give a shit, the guy is so freaking happy he doesn’t even care.”

  The pizza arrived and we continued to talk, the television providing background noise but our attention was on each other.

  “How is the new guy settling in? Mason?”

  Dallas hadn’t mentioned any more “conversations” the two of them had shared, but from what I could tell he seemed like a nice guy. “We should drag him out one night with us,” I offered. “That might be fun.”

  “And give up a night of almost setting fire to your apartment?” Dallas looked horrified. “What kind of fantasy world are you living in Kitty? We have a mission here and I am not the one who punks out early.”

  “Well the mission can wait, you must be bored out of your mind spending every night with me.”

  I’d regretted it the minute it left my mouth, hoping to God he wasn’t. While the time we’d spent together was awesome, he was probably tolerating it for my benefit.

  He stopped chewing his slice, dropping it back into the box before wiping the grease off his hands. “Why would you say that?”
He was serious; the words not accompanied by a flirty smile or joke like I was used to.

  “I don’t know,” I admitted, wanting it desperately to not be true.

  “Are you bored?”

  “No,” I answered, unable to get the word out fast enough.

  “Neither am I.”

  I wasn’t sure if I leaned in first or he did, but before I could work out what was happening, we were kissing.

  It wasn’t a sweet, friendly kiss either, our mouths tangling with each other like they were animals just let out of a cage.

  The rest of us followed too, hands that had previously behaved were running rampant, touching each other like it was the first time.

  “Fuck,” Dallas groaned against my neck as he palmed my breast. “Tell me you want this, Kitty. Because I’m fucking on fire here.”

  Those were not the words of a friend, his eyes licked with desire that made a shiver run down my spine. And hell yes I wanted him, his touch making me feel so turned on I was probably going to come before I got naked.

  “I want this, I want you.” I gripped the front of his T-shirt and yanked it over his head. “God, I want you.”

  It was all he needed to hear, his hands getting busy on my clothes and building a pile of them on the floor. He didn’t waste time, getting himself naked as soon as he was done with me.

  I ran my hand along his muscles, watching them flex under my fingers. His gut tightened, the metal in his nipples catching the light as he moved down my body.

  “This isn’t going to stop at oral sex, I am going to fuck you.” He leaned me back against the couch, spreading my legs apart so he could see me bare. “I’m going to be inside of you, Kitty. Not just my mouth or my hand, all of me.”

  If he was looking for me to uphold my half of that bargain, it was an easy promise to make. I nodded, watching as he lowered his head between my thighs, desperate for him to touch me.

  “Dallas, please,” I begged, not able to take it any longer. I hadn’t realized how sexually frustrated I’d become, the week and a half of not touching each other slowly driving me crazy.

  His tongue dragged across my core, making me cry out at the contact. I didn’t care what we had agreed or that we were supposed to be just friends, unable to think straight when he was doing something that felt so good.